Friday, July 18, 2014

Welcome Penelope Elsa Beaird

Penelope Elsa Beaird born July 14th at 9:20pm at McKay Dee Hospital.  She was 7lbs 11oz and 19.5" long and perfect! Penelope has been an angel thus far.  She sleeps good and was nursing well right from the start.  We feel so blessed to have this new life in our family and the girls can't get enough of her.  Adeline calls her "Nelope" and wants to hold and touch her constantly.  Sophia loves her new baby sister and has been a big help for mommy. Even in the few days she has been here with us, it feels like she was always here.

Love you Penelope!


Rachael said...

Penelope looks like such a good mix of your other girls, maybe favoring Addie! So cute. Congratulations!!!